City Weekend Beijing: “Family: Teaching Your Child Manners”

You know that age when kids keep asking why, why, why? Well, we’ve been asking that too—why is it important to be polite? And what is the best way to teach your child manners?

Why learn manners?

It’s hard for a child to be polite if they don’t see a point in all the please-and-thank-you business. So how do you justify your endless nagging? Alison Thompson, academic and communication assistant at 3e International School, says she breaks manners down to her children like this, “[I tell them] that being polite makes people that they interact with feel happy and [willing] to help them. By being rude, they are less likely to get help from someone.” Manners cost nothing, Thompson adds, and it’s never too early to start reinforcing the idea that you should treat others the way you would want to be treated. Read the whole article here. 

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